WEA 2019 Springer-Nature Communications in Computer and Information Sciences (CCIS) Vol. 1052 is ready !!!
We announce that WEA 2019’s proceedings (Springer-Nature CCIS Vol. 1052) are available to donwload (see our Publications webpage).
WEA 2019 – Final Program !!!
We would like to annouce all our authors/attendants that the final program has been published. Please check it out at:
WEA 2019 – Fourth International Speaker !!!
Phillipe Boland M.Sc.
Blockchain UxTIC – enREDo
“Blockchain y La tokenización de la economía”
Soy analista geopolítico invitado como panelista en más de 500 programas nacionales de opinión. Poseo una educación nómada y multicultural adquirida en muchas instituciones en el extranjero, el colegio Razi en Teherán (Irán), el colegio Franco-Peruano de Lima (Perú), el Liceo Jean Mermoz Dakar (Senegal), la Universidad Paris I Tolbiac y en la Universitat de Barcelona (España) becado “Erasmus”.
Special Issue Announcement !!!
WEA 2019 is glad to announce a special issue of extended versions of WEA 2019 papers into the Revista Ingeniería – Universidad Distrital Journal:
Revista Ingeniería (ISSN 0121-750X) has recently gotten B category by Colciencias System. It is scheduled to publish the special issue into the first volume of 2020.
Only papers presented at the conference will be invited/allowed to submit extended versions to the special issue.
Final Submission Deadline Extension !!!
WEA 2019 final submission/registration deadline have been extended !!!
Final version deadline: July 22th 2019 – Extended !!!
Author registration deadline: July 22th 2019 – Extended !!!
WEA 2019 – Third International Speaker announced !!!
We are glad to announce that one of UNAL’s outstanding alumni will come to visit us at WEA 2019:
Leonardo Bobadilla Ph.D.
School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (SCIS), College of Engineering and Computing, Florida International University (FIU)
Dr. Leonardo Bobadilla (FIU) is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (SCIS), College of Engineering and Computing, Florida International University (FIU) since 2013. He received his Bachelor degree from the National University of Colombia in Computer Engineering, his Master Degree in Statistics from the National University of Colombia and his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
He is interested in understanding the information requirements for solving fundamental robotics tasks such as navigation, patrolling, tracking, and motion safety and has deployed test-beds that can monitor and control a large number of mobile units that require minimal sensing, actuation, and computation. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. His research articles have appeared in prestigious journals such as IEEE Journal of Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, and ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks and in top conferences such as ICRA (IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation), IROS (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), and RSS (The Robotics: Science and Systems). His research has been sponsored by the Army Research Office, Department of Homeland Security, NSF, and the Ware Foundation. He has graduated four Ph.D. students and one master’s student who are well placed in major companies and universities. Dr. Bobadilla has served in 2016, 2017, and 2018 as the Associate Editor for IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
WEA 2019 – CCIS Springer Volume has been assigned !!!
It is our pleasure to announce that WEA 2019 proceedings will appear into Springer CCIS volume 1052… More info in:
WEA 2019 – Paper submission deadline FINAL extension !!!
Please remember our FINAL submission deadline:
- Paper and Poster submission deadline: May 20th 2019 – FINAL
Paper submission instructions can be found at:
Paper submission via Easychair:
WEA 2019 – Second world class Plenary Speaker confirmed !!!
Fernando Gomide Ph.D.
Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação – FEEC, Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação Industrial – DCA, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP
His main interests are system modeling, control and optimization, artificial intelligence, fuzzy set and systems theory, neural and evolutionary computation, granular computing and evolving systems, analytics and data science in decision-making, applications in energy, transportation, logistics, and business systems. He is professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Automation, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas since 1983. Research fellow 1-A of CNPq, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Prof. Gomide has co-authored several books including “An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets” (MIT Press) and “Fuzzy Systems Engineering” (IEEE/Wiley Interscience), in addition to several IEEE conferences and transactions papers.
WEA 2019 – Paper submission deadline FINAL extension !!!
Due to our problems with the webpage (hosted at the Universidad Distrital servers) and many authors’ requests, the Program Committee of WEA 2019 has decided to do a final extension, the FINAL submission deadline is:
- Paper and Poster submission deadline: May 20th 2019 – FINAL
Paper submission instructions can be found at:
Paper submission via Easychair:
WEA 2019 – Paper submission deadline extended !!!
Due to many authors’ requests, WEA 2019 submission deadline has been extended, the extended submission deadline is:
- Paper and Poster submission deadline: April 28th 2019.
Paper submission instructions can be found at:
Paper submission via Easychair:
WEA 2019 Associated Journal added !!!
It is our pleasure to announce that WEA 2019 will publish selected papers into the Journal Revista TecnoLógicas (ISSN 0123-7799 E-ISSN 2256-5337). It is categorized by Colciencias (B category) and indexed by Scielo, and available on Biblat, Latindex, Dialnet, Periódica, Informe Académico, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Google Scholar, Fuente Académica Premier, EZ3, DOAJ and ROAD databases. Open Access: Yes.