2019 Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA)
Preliminary Program
Wednesday 16 Oct – 2019, Venue: Main Auditorium
Registration: 08:30 – 09:00
Opening Ceremony: 08:30 – 09:00
Plenary Speaker: Carlos Coello (México) – “Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization”. 09:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 11:00
Plenary Speaker: Fernando Gomide (Brazil) – “Evolving Granular Modeling, Prediction, and Control”. 10:30 – 12:00
Lunch: 12:00 – 14:00
Tutorial 1 “Introduction to analog and digital communication systems through Software-Defined-Radios (SDR)”: 14:00 – 16:00
Tutorial 2 “De la teoría a la práctica: páncreas artificial”: 14:00 – 16:00
Special Sessions: Detailed below
Thursday 17 Oct – 2019, Venue: Main Auditorium
Plenary Speaker: Phillipe Boland (France) – “Blockchain y La tokenización de la economía”. 09:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 11:00
Plenary Speaker: Leonardo Bobadilla (USA) – “Solving Robotics Tasks in Resource-Constrained and Adversarial Environments”. 11:00 – 12:30
Lunch: 12:30 – 14:00
Tutorial 1 “Introduction to analog and digital communication systems through Software-Defined-Radios (SDR)”: 14:00 – 16:00
Tutorial 2 “De la teoría a la práctica: páncreas artificial”: 14:00 – 16:00
Special Sessions: Detailed below
Friday 18 Oct – 2019, Venue: Main Auditorium
Plenary Speaker: TBA. 09:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 11:00
Poster Session: 11:00 – 12:00
Special Sessions: Detailed below
Clausura – Premiación/Entrega Certificados: 12:00 – 13:00
Special Sessions schedule
Special Sessions schedule
Wednesday 16 Oct – 2019, Special Sessions Schedule
Special Session on Computational Intelligence I – Chair: Helbert Espitia
14:00 -15:20. Room: Auditorium
- Towards a deep learning approach for urban crime forecasting. Freddy Pirajan, Andrey Fajardo and Miguel Melgarejo
- Control of a microturbine using neural networks. Helbert Espitia, Iván Machón and Hilario López
- Speed estimation of an induction motor with sensorless vector control at low speed range using neural networks. Martin Gallo Nieves, Jorge Luis Diaz Rodriguez and Jaime Antonio González Castellanos
- Using text mining tools to define trends in territorial competitiveness indicators. Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales
Special Session on Computer Science I – Chair: Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo
14:00 -15:20. Room: 202
- Solving large dynamical systems by constraint sampling. Omeiza Olumoye, Glen Throneberry, Angel Garcia, Leobardo Valera, Abdessatta Abdelkefi and Martine Ceberio
- Scaling in concurrent evolutionary algorithms. JJ Merelo, José Mario Garcia-Valdez, Sergio Rojas-Galeano, Juan Luis Jiménez-Laredo and Pedro Ángel Castillo
- Sine-cosine algorithm for OPF analysis in distribution systems to size distributed generators. Maria Lourdes Manrique Rico, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo, Victor Garrido, Luis Fernando Grisales Noreña and Walter Gil
- Rotation of sound fields which are represented by means of a lane wave expansion. Diego Mauricio Murillo Gómez and Filippo Maria Fazi
Special Session on Bioengineering I – Chair: Alvaro David Orjuela Cañon
14:00 -15:20. Room: 308
- Validation of parametric models in microelectrode Recordings acquired from patients with Parkinson’s disease. Sebastian Roldan-Vasco, Sebastian Restrepo-Agudelo, Adriana Lopez-Rios and William Hutchison
- Self-organized maps for the analysis of the biomechanical response of the knee joint during squat-like movements in subjects without physical conditioning. Andrea Catalina Plazas Molano, Sebastian Jaramillo-Isaza and Alvaro David Orjuela Cañon
- Is it possible to correlate age related time-dependent micro mechanical properties of cortical bone and its physico-chemical data?. Sebastian Jaramillo-Isaza, Pierre-Emmanuel Mazeran, Karim El-Kirat and Marie-Christine Ho Ba Tho
- A methodology for driving behavior recognition in simulated scenarios using biosignals. Sonia Contreras Ortiz, Juan Antonio Domínguez Jiménez and Kiara Campo-Landines
Special Session on Virtual Reality – Chair: Elvis Eduardo Gaona Garcia
14:00 -15:20. Room: 403
- AR Support System for Therapy in 3 to 8-year-old children with Altered Fine Motor Skills. Andrés Ovidio Restrepo, Octavio Salcedo Parra and Norbey Danilo Muñoz Cañón
- Visualization of emotions experienced in the use of immersive augmented reality technologies for the real estate sector. Daniel Esteban Casas-Mateus and Nicole Valentina Chacon-Sanchez
- An educational strategy based on virtual reality and QFD to develop soft skills in engineering students. Bellanire Pinzón-Cristancho, Hebert Alberto Calderón-Torres, Camilo Mejía-Moncayo and Alix E. Rojas
- Integration of virtual reality-based techniques for the representation of historical and cultural content. Andrés Felipe Sánchez Cruz, Kevin Camilo Díaz Monje, Nancy Yaneth Gelvez García and Paulo Alonso Gaona García
Coffee Break: 15:20 – 15:40
Special Session on Computational Intelligence II – Chair: Juan Carlos Figueroa-García
15:40 -17:00. Room: Auditorium
- A new approach to improve learning in fuzzy cognitive maps using reinforcement learning. Frank Balmaseda, Yaima Filiberto, Mabel Frias and Rafael Bello
- Generation of Fuzzy Random Numbers using MATLAB. Juan Carlos Figueroa-García and Jhoan Sebastian Tenjo García
- A preliminary study on symbolic fuzzy cognitive maps for pattern classification. Mabel Frias Dominguez, Gonzalo Nápoles, Yaima Filiberto Cabrera, Rafael Bello and Koen Vanhoof
- Memberships networks for high-dimensional fuzzy clustering visualization. Leandro Ariza, Luisa F. Villa and Olga Lucía Quintero
Special Session on Bioengineering II – Chair: Cecilia Murrugarra
15:40 -17:20. Room: 202
- Using machine learning and accelerometry data for differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. Julián D. Loaiza Duque, Andrés M. González-Vargas, Antonio J. Sánchez Egea and Hernán A. González Rojas
- A wireless, modular and wearable system for the recognition and assessment of foot drop pathology. Santiago Noriega Alvarez, Maria Camila Rojas Suarez and Cecilia Murrugarra
- Proposal of a model of a hexapod robot of hybrid locomotion (extremities-wheels). Brayan Contreras, Natalia Sanchez, Ruben Hernandez and Marco Jinete
- Kinetic model of magnetic nanoparticles in the bloodstream under the influence of an external magnetic field. Diego Julián Rodríguez Patarroyo, Laura María Roa Barrantes and Jaime Francisco Pantoja Benavides
- Decoupling method to solve inverse kinematics for assistant robot. Yeyson Becerra and Sebastian Soto
Special Session on Power Systems I – Chair: Felipe Gaitan Cubides
15:40 -17:20. Room: 308
- Integrated methodology for the planning of electrical distribution system considering the continuity of the service and the reduction of technical losses. Mauricio Granada, Oscar Danilo Montoya and Ricardo A. Hincapie
- Determination of the voltage stability index in DC networks with CPLS: a GAMS implementation. William Amin, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo and Luis Fernando Grisales Noreña
- Analysis of power losses in electric distribution system using a MATLAB-based graphical user interface (GUI). Luis Alejandro Rojas Martinez, Oscar Danilo Montoya and Javier Campillo
- Quasi-Dynamic Analysis of a Local Distribution System with Distributed Generation. Study Case: IEEE 13 Nodes System. Luis Felipe Gaitan Cubides, Juan David Gomez Ariza and Edwin Rivas Trujillo
Special Session on Computer Science II – Chair: Elvis Eduardo Gaona Garcia
15:40 -17:00. Room: 403
- Performance evaluation of SoC-FPGA based floating-point implementation of GMM for Real-time background subtraction. Luis Javier Morantes Guzmán, Cristian Alzate Anzola, Luis Fernando Castaño Londoño, David Andrés Márquez Viloria and Jesus Francisco Vargas Bonilla
- Evaluation of stencil based algorithm parallelization over system-on-chip FPGA using a high level synthesis tool. Luis Fernando Castaño Londoño, Cristian Alzate Anzola, David Andrés Márquez Viloria, Guillermo Gallo and Gustavo Osorio
- Maze solution device with Stewart’s platform and OpenCV. Joseph Mauricio Gutierrez Valero and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez
- Construction of cyclic codes over Z20 for identifying proteins. Valentina Galíndez Gómez and Mario Enrique Duarte
Thursday 17 Oct – 2019, Special Sessions Schedule
Special Session on Computational Intelligence III – Chair: Alvaro David Orjuela Cañon
14:00 -15:20. Room: Auditorium
- Prediction and decision making system through neural networks for investment assets: gold, Euro, Dollar and Dow Jones. Cesar Hernando Valencia Niño, Alfredo Sanabria, Camilo Velasco and Alvaro Orjuela
- Forecasting for Tuberculosis reported cases employing machine learning methods. Alvaro David Orjuela Cañón, Mario Enrique Duarte-González, Carlos Enrique Awad Garcia, Erika Vergara and Angélica Palencia
- Comparative analysis between training methods for a fuzzy inference system potentially applicable to the assessment of the health status of the spine in military personnel. Fabián Steven Garay Rairan, Daniel Mauricio Gutiérrez Melgarejo, Fabián Esteban Martinez, David Lombana, Hammer Ibagué Guerra and José Luis Jiménez Useche
- Using data-mining techniques for the prediction of the severity of road crashes in Cartagena – Colombia. Holman Ospina, Leonardo Augusto Quintana Jiménez, Francisco J. Lopez-Valdes and Natalie Morales Londoño
Special Session on Computer Science III – Chair: Jose Luis Villa
14:00 -15:20. Room: 202
- Analysis of the adverse events and incidents reported to departmental techno-survillance program of medical devices in Antioquia – Colombia during 2016 and 2017. Mabel Catalina Zapata, Juan Guillermo Barreneche, Jhon Eder Mosquera and Sebastián Londoño
- ID Teleagro: software architecture of georeferencing and detection of heat of cattle. Paola Patricia Ariza Colpas, Roberto Cesar Morales Ortega, Marlon Alberto Pineres Melo, Farid Melendez Pertuz, Guillermo Serrano Torne, Guillermo Hernandez Sanchez and Hugo Martinez Osorio
- Optical mark recognition based on image processing techniques for the answer sheets of the Colombian high-stakes tests. Oscar Espitia, Andres Paez, Yuri Mejia, Mario Carrasco and Natalia Gonzalez
- Use of edge computing for predictive maintenance of industrial electric motors. Victor De Leon, Yira Alcazar and Jose Luis Villa
Special Session on Bioengineering III – Chair: Edgar Krejci
14:00 -15:20. Room: 308
- Hyperthermia study in breast cancer treatment using three applicators. Hector Fabian Guarnizo Mendez, Mauricio Andrés Polochè Arango, John Jairo Pantoja Acosta, Juan Fernando Coronel Rico and Juan Sebastian Amaya Opayome
- Design and implementation of a data capture and consultation system, using a drone that identifies disease time gray rot by Botrytis in a strawberry crop in Sibate – Cundinamarca. Edgar Krejci Garzon, Yesid Diaz Gutierrez, Paula Perez, Sandra Moreno and Edgar Andres Krejci Bautista
- Human atrial electrophysiological models under fractional derivative: depolarization and repolarization dynamics during normal and brillation conditions. Juan P. Ugarte and Catalina Tobón
- Path tracking control for micro-robots with Helmholtz-Maxwell coils actuation. Daniel Murcia Rivera and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez
Special Session on Power Systems II – Chair: Carlos Andrés Ramos Paja
14:0 0 – 15:20. Room: 403
- Vortex search algorithm for optimal sizing of distributed generators in AC distribution networks with radial topology. Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo, Luis Fernando Grisales Noreña, William Tadeo Amin, Luis Alejandro Rojas and Javier Campillo
- Assessment of metaheurisic techniques applied to the optimal reactive power dispatch. Daniel Camilo Londoño, Walter Mauricio Villa-Acevedo and Jesús María López-Lezama
- Hybrid metaheuristic optimization methods for optimal location and sizing DGs in DC networks. Luis Fernando Grisales Noreña, Oscar Daniel Garzón Rivera, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo and Carlos Andrés Ramos Paja
- Modal analysis for a power system benchmark with topological changes. Julian Patiño, Carlos Ramírez and Jairo Espinosa
Coffee Break: 15:20 – 15:40
Special Session on Simulation Systems – Chair: Carlos Franco
15:40 -17:40. Room: Auditorium
- Adapting the archetype “accidental adversaries” in humanitarian operations. Diana C. Guzmán-Cortés and Carlos Franco
- Modeling for the evaluation of public policy alternatives in the supply chain of natural gas in Colombia. Mauricio Becerra-Fernandez, Danny Ibarra-Vega, Johan Manuel Redondo and Isaac Dyner
- Simulation in the farsite of a forest fire presented in the eastern hills of the town of San Cristóbal in Bogotá. Leidy Lopez Osorio, Evy Fernanda Tapias Forero and Giovanni Rodrigo Bermúdez Bohórquez
- Systemic model of the rice chain plateau of Ibagué case. Harold Alexander Cuellar Molina, Fidel Torres and Nelson Tovar
- Displacement dynamics and simulation for overhead gantry crane using servo control system. Paolo Andres Ospina Henao, Deisy Carolina Páez Casas, Zuly Alexandra Mora, Andrés Camilo Castaño Rivillas and James Guillermo Moncada
- Interval simulator of the glucose-insulin system. Maira Garcia Jaramillo, Fabian León Vargas, Nicolas Rosales, Andrés Molano and Fabricio Garelli
Special Session on Power Systems III – Chair: Humber Furlan
15:40 -17:00. Room: 202
- Battery state of charge estimation error comparison across different OCV-SOC curve approximating methods. Rafael Sanin, Maria Alejandra Garzón Vargas, Alejandro Velásquez López and Mauricio Fernández Montoya
- Computation of electromagnetic fields for 220 Kv power line in Cartagena de Indias. Luis Eduardo Rueda Rincón, Jorge Eliecer Duque Pardo, Enrique Vanegas Casadiego and Eduardo Gómez Vásquez
- A remote monitoring system for charging stations with photovoltaic generation. Santiago Sánchez, Isabel Cárdenas-Gómez, Ricardo Mejía-Gutiérrez and Gilberto Osorio-Gómez
- Design and characterization of graphite piezoresistors in paper for applications in sensor devices. Luiz Antonio Rasia, Patricia Carolina Pedrali, Humber Furlan and Mariana Amorim Fraga
Special Session on IoT – Chair: Elvis Eduardo Gaona Garcia
15:40 -17:20. Room: 308
- From a home-area-network to a secure internet of things application. Maryori Sabalza, Luz Magre, Ivan Baños and Juan Carlos Martinez
- A personal activity recognition system based on smart devices. Harold Murcia and Juanita Triana
- Application of the Internet through a network of wireless sensors in a coffee crop for monitoring and control of its environmental variables. William Ruiz Martinez, Roberto Ferro Escobar, Yesid Diaz Gutierrez and Luis Eduardo Pallares Martinez
- Approach to blockchain and smart contract in Latin America: application in Colombia. Luz Angelica Tellez Ordoñez, Evelyn Juliana Ruiz Niviayo and Jose Ignacio Rodriguez Molano
- Design of an electronic voting system using a blockchain network. Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales
- Development and testing of a Real-Time LoRaWAN sniffer based on GNU-Radio. Andrés Felipe Bravo, Jefersson Sebastian Rondon and Elvis Eduardo Gaona Garcia
Special Session on Optimization – Chair: German Hernandez
15:40 -17:20. Room: 403
- Binary optimisation with an urban pigeon-inspired swarm algorithm. Sergio Rojas-Galeano
- Mixed-integer linear programming models for one-commodity pickup and delivery traveling salesman problems. Juan Carlos Rivera and Juan D. Palacio
- A bi-objective model for the humanitarian AID distribution problem: analyzing the trade-off between shortage and inventory at risk. Julian Alberto Espejo-Díaz and William J. Guerrero
- A general local search Pareto approach with regular criteria for solving the job-shop scheduling problem multi-resource resource flexibility with linear routes. Andrés Alberto García León and William Fernando Torres Tapia
- Design of distribution network of a fresh egg producing and commercializing company in Colombia. Adriana Isabel Linares Vanegas and Nelson Javier Tovar Perilla
Friday 18 Oct – 2019, Special Sessions Schedule
Poster Session (Preliminary) – Chair: German Hernandez
11:00 – 12:00. Room: Auditorium
- Modelo de integración de la gestión del conocimiento y la industria 4.0. Victor Hugo Medina
- Caracterización electroquímica de la acción inhibitoria de TP sobre la enzima 11B-HSD1. M Solarte Padilla and J.G Velasquez Rodriguez
- Hemodynamic emulator of middle cerebral artery as a Doppler metrology system. J. Burbano Guzmán K. Caicedo Sánchez
- Haptic depth recognition system for autonomous navigation of the blind. Heiner Yojan Meneses and Manuela Alejandra Rengifo
- Implementation of an odontological gadget in a virtual learning environment to improve brushing technique in the child population. J. Bolaños Martínez, J.P Zuñiga Luligo, C.G.Benavides Cuasquen
- OntoMathEdu: A New Linguistically Grounded Educational Mathematical Ontology. Alexander Kirillovich, Olga Nevzorova, Marina Falileeva, Evgeny Lipachev, Liliana Shakirova and Alexander Elizarov
Special Session on Miscellaneous Applications – Chair: Alvaro Espinel Ortega
10:00 – 12:00. Room: 202
- Determination of uncertainty in measuring instruments during Electrical Engineering education. Adriana Marcela Vega Escobar and Alvaro Espinel Ortega
- Model of Intelligent Interaction of the Regulation of the Congress of Colombia for movable devices “MIRC”. Jesus Pinzon and Alvaro Espinel
- Areas with the highest use of simulator for health education in Colombia. Maria Bernarda Salazar Sánchez, Alher Mauricio Hernández Valdivieso, Isabel Cristina Muñoz Ortega, Carolina Rodríguez López, Juan Camilo Mesa Agudelo, Leidy Yaneth Serna Higuita and Luis Felipe Buitrago Castro
- Using text mining tools to define trends in territorial competitiveness indicators. Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales