WEA 2022 free online streaming !!!
El Doctorado en Ingeniería Universidad Distrital invita cordialmente a la sala Zoom de WEA 2022:
ID de reunión: 821 9558 5756
Código de acceso: 378057
WEA 2022 Final Program is available !!!
We are glad to announce that WEA 2022 Final Program is available… Please visit our website:
We also announce our fifth Plenary Speaker !!!!
María Lucía Villalba Gómez
Directora de Proyectos Especiales Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Talk: Ética e inteligencia artificial
María Lucía Villalba Gómez es economista de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y cuenta con una Maestría en Asuntos Internacionales de la Universidad de Nueva York.
Cuenta con más de 10 años de trayectoria profesional, principalmente en el sector público, en donde ha liderado la puesta en marcha de diferentes proyectos de desarrollo económico y social, al igual que la formulación e implementación de políticas públicas, principalmente asociadas a la transformación digital, asuntos internacionales y al sector turismo.
Se desempeñó como como Consejera Presidencial para la Transformación Digital y Gestión y Cumplimiento, desde donde lidera importantes proyectos de transformación digital para Colombia, así como el seguimiento a las prioridades del Gobierno Nacional, entre las que se destacan el Estatuto Temporal de Protección; la Transformación Digital de la Justicia; entre otras.
Anteriormente fue Cónsul de Colombia en Nueva York; Directora Interinstitucional y luego Vicepresidente de Planeación y Proyectos del Fondo Nacional de Turismo (Fontur). Durante sus inicios, también estuvo vinculada al Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
Actualmente, es Directora de Proyectos de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, desde donde lidera el posicionamiento del Distrito de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Bogotá- Región.
WEA 2022 Pago de registro con descuento !!!
La fecha límite de registro con descuento para asistentes a WEA 2022 es el Sábado 26 de Noviembre de 2022.
Mayores informes
whatsapp: 312 5613865
email: jefescobarr@correo.udistrital.edu.co
WEA 2022 Tutorials !!!!
WEA 2022 comes with two nice tutorials for students and attendants… Please keep in mind that Tutorials will have an additional certificate.
Tutorial: Programación dinámica y aprendizaje por refuerzo – Germán Hernández Ph.D., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 14:00 – 17:00. Room 102 Sede Fundadores U. de La Salle
Tutorial: Optimización a gran escala con Xpress-MP – Carlos Franco Ph.D., Universidad del Rosario, 14:00 – 17:00. Room 103 Sede Fundadores U. de La Salle
WEA 2022 Preliminary Program !!!!
We are glad to announce WEA 2022 Preliminary Program !!!
Please check out our webpage for further info about WEA 2022 Preliminary Program and detailed schedule:
WEA 2022 Venues !!!!
We are glad to announce WEA 2022 venues !!!
This year, WEA 2022 will take place in three different venues:
- 30 Nov. 2022 – Universidad del Rosario – Sede centro
- 01 Dec. 2022 – Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Edificio CyTel, Ciudad Universitaria
- 02 Dec. 2022 – Universidad de La Salle – Sede Chapinero
Detailed information is available in our webpage:
WEA 2022 Plenary Speakers !!!!
We are glad to announce WEA 2022 Plenary Speakers !!!
Professor Oscar Castillo – Tijuana Institute of Technology – Mexico
Yurilev Chalco-Cano – Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica – Chile
Alejandro Correa Bahnsen – Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer at Rappi
Further info and links are available at our webpage:
WEA 2022 Deadline Extension – FINAL !!!!
Due to numerous authors’ request, WEA 2022 Submission Deadlines have been extended – This is our FINAL EXTENSION !!!
Submission Deadlines
Paper and Abstract submission deadline: June 24th – July 16th – July 30th, 2022 (FINAL)
Notification of acceptance: July 29th – August 13th – August 27th, 2022 (FINAL)
Tutorial proposal deadline: August 6th – August 27th, 2022 (FINAL)
Final version deadline and Registration: August 20th – August 27th – September 10th, 2022 (FINAL)
Author Registration Deadline.
Author registration deadline: August 20th – August 27th – September 10th, 2022 (FINAL)
WEA 2022 is glad to announce a Special Issue into SN Computer Science Journal (Springer-Nature) !!!
WEA 2022 is very glad to announce a special issue “Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Optimization and Simulation” into the Journal SN Computer Science:
SN Computer Science (ISSN 2661-8907) is a wide open journal on different topics in computer science. SN Computer Science has been recently indexed by SCOPUS so it is expected to appear in SCOPUS database this year and by consequence to appear in Minciencias and other ranking systems by 2023:
ONLY selected papers accepted/registered to WEA CCIS Springer papers and the best three abstracts will be invited to send extended versions of their work to this special issue.
WEA 2022 Associated Journals
WEA 2022 is very glad to announce that two indexed Journals have been added:
- The Best three paper awards of WEA 2022 will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence – IJIMAI (ISSN 1989 – 1660) which is an important Journal in AI. IJIMAI is indexed in Scopus, JCR and Minciencias in A2 rank.
https://www.ijimai.org/journal/ - Revista TECNURA Universidad Distrital (indexed in Scielo and Minciencias B rank) will publish WEA 2022 papers into their regular issues. Authors who want to send their work to this Journal must adjust their paper to the format of the journal:
Remember to choose only one format: CCIS Springer or Revista Tecnura to send your paper.
WEA 2022 is open for submissions !!!
We are pleased to announce that WEA 2022 will accept two main contributions:
FULL PAPERS which are expected to be considered for WEA 2022 conference proceedings (awaiting Springer approval)
ABSTRACTS which are expected to be published into WEA 2022 Book of Abstracts (with ISBN and permanent repository for free access).
WEA 2022 Submission link is open:
Feel free to send your Paper/Abstract !!!
WEA 2022 is back !!!
We are pleased to announce that WEA 2022 will be held in Bogotá – Colombia during Nov. 30 – Dec. 02, 2022 !!!
More details and great news will be announced soon !!!