Call for Abstracts


WEA 2022 has two main categories for submissions: PAPER and ABSTRACT. Please keep in mind that accepted papers will be included into WEA 2022 CCIS volume while accepted abstracts will be included into a Book of Abstracts with ISBN.

Information about SUBMISSION DEADLINES is available in our webpage

WEA 2022 author deadlines 


WEA 2022 is very glad to announce a special issue “Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Optimization and Simulation” into the Journal SN Computer Science:

SN Computer Science (ISSN 2661-8907) is a wide open journal on different topics in computer science. SN Computer Science has been recently indexed by SCOPUS so it is expected to appear in SCOPUS database this year and by consequence to appear in Minciencias and other ranking systems by 2023:

ONLY selected papers accepted/registered to WEA CCIS Springer papers and the best three abstracts will be invited to send extended versions of their work to this special issue.

WEA 2022 Call for Abstracts

The Engineering Faculties of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, National University of Colombia, Universidad del Rosario and Universidad de La Salle are glad to invite researchers, students, and practitioners from any engineering field to participate into one of its tracks of the congress which will be held in Bogotá – Colombia

The goal of WEA 2022 is to bring together researchers, students and practitioners from academia and industry focused in applied computer science on any engineering field. Original research papers and abstracts are invited for publication in all areas of applied computer science on engineering.

Abstract submission instructions

An abstract is a kind of technical report in which the authors summarize their work and findings with the following characteristics:

  • An abstract summarizes preliminary findings and or results
  • An abstract can also serve as a technical report of unfinished or on-the-way projects
  • An abstract summarizes ideas that the authors want to comunnicate and present in a scientific language

WEA’22 will collect all accepted abstracts into a Book of Abstracts with ISBN and will be allocated in a permanent server location for open free access.

Topics opened for Abstract submission include (not limited to):

  • Doctoral Symposium
  • Engineering Applications (all fields and topics)
  • Computer/computational Sciences
  • Management Sciences
  • Electrical and Electronic engineering
  • Cadastrial, earth sciences
  • Software design, development and audit
  • Education and knowledge
  • Networks, grids and information systems

Please keep in mind the following instructions to submit your abstract to WEA’22:

  • All abstracts can be written in good ENGLISH or SPANISH
  • An abstract should not be shorter than 2 pages and longer than 5 pages
  • All abstracts should be formatted using the following template:


  • All Abstracts must be submitted via Easychair:

Paper and Abstract submission deadlines:

Please visit our webpage:

WEA 2022 author deadlines