WEA 2022 is glad to announce our international plenary speakers:
Professor Oscar Castillo
Tijuana Institute of Technology – Mexico
Talk: Type-2 and Type-3 Fuzzy Systems: Theory and Applications
Abstract: Type-2 fuzzy systems are powerful intelligent models based on the theory of fuzzy sets, originally proposed by Prof. Zadeh. Most real-world applications up to now are based on type-1 fuzzy systems, which are built based on the original (type-1) fuzzy sets that extend the concept of classical sets. Type-2 fuzzy sets extend type-1 fuzzy sets by allowing the membership to be fuzzy, in this way allowing a higher level of uncertainty management. Even with the current successful applications of type-1 fuzzy systems, now several papers have shown that type-2 is able to outperform type-1 in control, pattern recognition, manufacturing and other areas. The key challenge in dealing with type-2 fuzzy models is that their design has a higher level of complexity, and in this regard the use of bio-inspired optimization techniques is of great help in finding the optimal structure and parameters of the type-2 fuzzy systems for particular applications, like in control, robotics, manufacturing and others. Methodologies for designing type-2 fuzzy systems using bio-inspired optimization in different areas of application are presented as illustration. Finally, the proposal for type-3 fuzzy sets and systems, theory and applications will be discussed.
Bio –Oscar Castillo holds the Doctor in Science degree (Doctor Habilitatus) in Computer Science from the Polish Academy of Sciences (with the Dissertation “Soft Computing and Fractal Theory for Intelligent Manufacturing”). He is a Professor of Computer Science in the Graduate Division, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico. In addition, he is serving as Research Director of Computer Science and head of the research group on Hybrid Fuzzy Intelligent Systems. Currently, he is President of HAFSA (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) and Past President of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association). Prof. Castillo is also Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE). He also belongs to the Technical Committee on Fuzzy Systems of IEEE and to the Task Force on “Extensions to Type-1 Fuzzy Systems”. He is also a member of NAFIPS, IFSA and IEEE. He belongs to the Mexican Research System (SNI Level 3). His research interests are in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic-Fuzzy hybrid approaches. He has published over 300 journal papers, 10 authored books, 40 edited books, 200 papers in conference proceedings, and more than 300 chapters in edited books, in total 910 publications according to Scopus (H index=63, and more than 1050 publications according to Research Gate (H index=74 in Google Scholar). He has been Guest Editor of several successful Special Issues in the past, like in the following journals: Applied Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, Information Sciences, Non-Linear Studies, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, JAMRIS and Engineering Letters. He is currently Associate Editor of the Information Sciences Journal, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Granular Computing Journal and the International Journal on Fuzzy Systems. Finally, he has been elected IFSA Fellow in 2015 and MICAI Fellow member in 2017. He has been recognized as Highly Cited Researcher in 2017 and 2018 by Clarivate Analytics because of having multiple highly cited papers in Web of Science.
Luis C. Rabelo
Associate Professor (Tenured)
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (IEMS) Dept.
University of Central Florida
Talk: El Aprendizaje de Máquina y el Aprendizaje Profundo como Componentes Esenciales de la Inteligencia Artificial
En esta presentación hablaremos de las 3 generaciones de las redes neuronales (Aprendizaje de Máquina) y su relación con la Inteligencia Artificial desde dimensiones históricas, matemáticas, ingeniería de software, y aplicaciones. Las aplicaciones serán en el campo Aeroespacial.
La tercera generación que es en las que nace el Aprendizaje Profundo y es el paradigma más representativo, poderoso, y la tendencia actual de la Inteligencia Artificial será discutida juntos con sus arquitecturas y aplicaciones correspondientes. Las aplicaciones serán en las interfaces Humano-Máquina usando como ambiente el Metaverso, Aeroespacial, y la Logística Humanitaria.
Bio – Luis C. Rabelo is Associate Professor (Tenured in 2006). He taught and organized courses in Information Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Engineering Management, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Analysis, Statistics and Probabilities, Project Management, Advanced Simulation, Operations Engineering, Production and Inventory Control, Cost Engineering, Advanced Engineering Economics, Environment of Technical Organizations, Senior Design, Systems Simulation. Coordinated research involving 24 MS (graduated 17 MS Students – Advisor and co-Advisor), 45 PhD (graduated 35 PhD Students – Advisor and co-Advisor), 14 undergraduate students (including two with Honor Theses), and two postdoctoral fellows. He wrote research proposals to Government and Industry and received over $3,568,717.00 in research funding as PI and Co-PI. Attended conferences/seminars (National and International Level) and published papers in proceedings and professional journals. Delivered Several plenary/keynote speaker talks. He is member of numerous NSF, NASA, and International Panels to judge research and technological achievements. Received several awards and prizes for career achievements – National and International Levels. He supports the IEMS Department in several committees and important assignments.
Yurilev Chalco-Cano
Full Professor and Director del Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica – Chile
Talk: Una revisión sobre los avances realizados para una clase de problemas de optimización difusa
Bio – Yurilev Chalco-Cano received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, in 2000 and 2004, respectively.,From 2005 to 2010, he was a Titular Professor with the Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. Since 2011, he has been a Titular Researcher with the Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, in the area of fuzzy mathematical analysis. He is the Author of more than 50 articles WOS in important journals in the area of fuzzy theory. His research interests include fuzzy mathematical analysis and in particular fuzzy differential equations, type-2 fuzzy sets, and fuzzy optimization.
Alejandro Correa Bahnsen
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer at Rappi
Talk: Experiences using Artificial Intelligence in Rappi
Today organizations long-term success is built not only on profitability but also on its contribution to society. Organizations are then pressured to design and plan their supply chains towards sustainability goals. In this seminar the concept of sustainable supply chains is discussed and the use of Operational Research Methods, namely optimization, as tools to support decisions on how to design and planning such systems is explored. Real case examples, studied by the Operations and Logistics Group of the Centre for Management Studies at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon are presented and analyzed. Perspectives in the area are presented and important research challenges identified.
Bio – Dr. Alejandro Correa Bahnsen is the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer at RappiBank. With a passion for machine learning, he considers himself a technology evangelist of data science. He has more than a decade of experience applying the use and development of Artificial Intelligence to real-world issues such as cybersecurity, risk management, and marketing.
Alejandro is also an Adjunct Professor in the Industrial Engineering department of Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, where he teaches Machine Learning and Applied Data Science, and also member of the Colombia’s AI Expert Mission. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition from Luxembourg University.
María Lucía Villalba Gómez
Directora de Proyectos Especiales Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Talk: Ética e inteligencia artificial
María Lucía Villalba Gómez es economista de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y cuenta con una Maestría en Asuntos Internacionales de la Universidad de Nueva York.
Cuenta con más de 10 años de trayectoria profesional, principalmente en el sector público, en donde ha liderado la puesta en marcha de diferentes proyectos de desarrollo económico y social, al igual que la formulación e implementación de políticas públicas, principalmente asociadas a la transformación digital, asuntos internacionales y al sector turismo.
Se desempeñó como como Consejera Presidencial para la Transformación Digital y Gestión y Cumplimiento, desde donde lidera importantes proyectos de transformación digital para Colombia, así como el seguimiento a las prioridades del Gobierno Nacional, entre las que se destacan el Estatuto Temporal de Protección; la Transformación Digital de la Justicia; entre otras.
Anteriormente fue Cónsul de Colombia en Nueva York; Directora Interinstitucional y luego Vicepresidente de Planeación y Proyectos del Fondo Nacional de Turismo (Fontur). Durante sus inicios, también estuvo vinculada al Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
Actualmente, es Directora de Proyectos de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, desde donde lidera el posicionamiento del Distrito de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Bogotá- Región.